• November 22, 2021

JP Pant Cultural Trust to launch its new venture early next year on a story called ‘Shakuntalam: The Woman’

JP Pant Cultural Trust to launch its new venture early next year on a story called ‘Shakuntalam: The Woman’

New Delhi——— After the huge success of the first fusion theatre show ‘The story of Ram and Sita’ in the year 2011, JPPCT (Janki Prasad Pant Cultural Trust), led by its Honorary Chairman Prof. Manoj Pant, is all set to launch a new cultural venture early next year based on a story and script written by nationally renowned scholars of Kalidas: ‘Shakuntalam: The Woman’, which would be in Hindi language and set to modern music.

In the words of Prof. Manoj Pant, “In our presentation of the Indian culture and literature, we are careful to highlight important issues: While “The Story of Ram and Sita” highlighted the painful consequences of excessive arrogance in any person, the musical on Shakuntalam will highlight how Kalidasa wrote about an issue, which is assuming critical importance today – gender equality. In all our ventures, we try to highlight such social issues“.

The musical ‘Shakuntalam: The Woman’ is a typical libretto where the entire story is told through songs based on the Indian mythological story of Bharat and Shakuntala with a twisted end that depicts the latter as a modern world, 21st century woman. It is a fusion theatre where the lyrics are in Hindu and the music is a mix of Indian melodies, rock and jazz with orchestral style arrangements.

The J. P. Pant Cultural Trust (JPPCT) was set up as a registered non-profit charitable public trust. The basic objective of the trust is to promote traditional cultural and educational systems and, in particular, help in the revival of theatre. One of their specific objectives is to bring to urban audiences the traditional village and rural theatre in a genre more acceptable to the urban youth. Their first venture had the USP of being the first ever attempt to marry a traditional Indian story (The Ramayana) with modern musical idioms in theatre form. It was the first ever Indian rock musical in English and Hindi based on traditional Indian mythology.

Mahak Huria
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