Fresh intelligence inputs received : FAKE ANTI INDIA CONTENT

Fresh intelligence inputs received : FAKE ANTI INDIA CONTENT

Fresh intelligence inputs received

Ministry of I&B issued directions on 20th January for blocking of :

35 YouTube accounts
2 Twitter accounts
2 Instagram accounts
2 websites
1 Facebook account
These have been operating from Pakistan and spreading anti-India fake and
divisive news and other content
The YouTube accounts had a total subscriber base of over 1.20 crore, and
their videos had over 130 crore views.
Pakistani Coordinated Disinformation Networks
Coordinated, systematic and consistent anti-India fake news originating from
Pakistan Networks Identified:
Apni Duniya Network (14 YouTube channels)
Talha Films (13 YouTube channels)
Two other networks having total 6 YouTube accounts
Used common hashtags and editing styles, were being operated by common
persons, and cross promoted each other’s content.
Some of the YouTube channels were being operated by anchors of Pakistani
TV news channels.
Nature of Content
Anti-India and fake content on subjects including
Indian Armed Forces
Jammu and Kashmir
India’s foreign relations with other countries
Demise of the former Chief of Defence Staff Late General Bipin Rawat
Separatist ideas and notions
Public order


Parichit Mainra
Young Professional,
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
From the office of:
Kshitij Aggarwal
Assistant Director (Digital Media),
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting,
Government of India.

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