Evaluation of Branding :- Ajay Singh Rawat

Evaluation of Branding :- Ajay Singh Rawat

Delhi——We all have heard the story of Tortoise and the Hare. Today,it is very symbolic and relevant in politics.

Here, we are discussing about India’s two major political parties, Congress (Indian National Congress) and BJP (Bhartiya Janta Party).

After independence, RSS and Congress Seva Dal were in same league but Seva Dal, which was in more formidable and existent position with major acceptance in India.

RSS continued slowly to build its cadre base and organizational structure to position itself differently while Congress Seva Dal, whose people were both in Government and administrative blocks, started diminishing gradually as it acted like the Hare in the story.

Today, many among us might not be remembering if Seva Dal ever existed but RSS is a phrase. Tortoise became the new hero of the competition!

There is always remain an opportunity to achieve goals and do better but our slapdash approach makes it quite uphill task later to achieve same goals!

We all have been through and seen similar examples in our student and public life, sports and in other fields.

Today we are living in a very dynamic society. Ours taste, choice, decisions, life and everything is getting influenced by Digital world. It is this time of branding, continuous improvement and innovation which can take us forward if not now but certainly after few years.

Corporate houses do it; those want to be ahead of time. They change their logo, tag line, packaging, branding etc. to make them connected to new generation. T

hey change their approach towards service and bring larger changes to make them look contemporary.

For many years BJP had been doing its politics and been vocal around ‘Ram Mandir’ but they changed it with the face of Development and have cocooned themselves around it to toss new themes of ‘Anti-National-National’ and ‘Others.’

Re-branding and re-packaging has been done to look more contemporary and connected to make them leaner to leap ahead. Wrongs move of your competition and following right strategies also makes way for your monopolistic position.

• Pepsi and CocaCola marketing war: There was a time when Pepsi was having an advantage over CocaCola but it was persistent of CocaCola which made them a winner in longer run.

• Hindustan Times and Times of India marketing war: The tussle between two major print media houses was such that HT was always losing to TOI. It was HT which reinvented itself by changing the quality of Paper, Font and everything to look more contemporary.

• Weston was the first company in India to have introduced color televisions in India but how many of you would be interested to buy it today!
“To end with Victor Hugo’s quote that “Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.”

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