“Connect North East-2017”, –To Invest in Nagaland

“Connect North East-2017”, –To Invest in Nagaland

North-East Connectivity Summit,

NAGALAND POST ——————The state chief minister, TR Zeliang, delegation-level talks with Consul General of the Russian Federation, top officials from FICCI and NEC at his residential office in Kohima.

According to CMO media cell, the talks basically focused on areas of investment opportunities in tourism, healthcare, hotels, border trade, agri-allied activities, skill development and people-to-people connectivity.

Consul General of the Russian Federation, Alexey Idamkin, who called on chief minister assured to explore all possible means to invest in Nagaland.

Alexey would be attending the summit on Friday, expressed his ‘great pleasure’ on having visited the State describing it as the ‘Beautiful and Hospitable Nagaland’.

FICCI-NEAC chairman, Ranjit Barthakur, apprised the chief minister that besides NE states, 7 countries would be participating in the summit. Ranjit also suggested sustainable projects, food processing plants, dairy products and mechanized farming in Nagaland.

The chief minister told the delegates about the immense investment potential in Nagaland and assured all possible assistance and cooperation of the government with the investors.

The summit, which will be addressed by chief minister, would focus on slew of issues including harnessing energy resources, international connectivity initiatives, tourism, air, rail and road connectivity, investment opportunities, trade policies, border infrastructures etc.

Additional chief secretary and finance commissioner Nagaland, Temjen Toy, informed that the 4th North-East Connectivity Summit would be one of the biggest summits where around 180 delegates from outside the state including 50 from countries like Japan, Russia, Myanmar, Bhutan, Loas, Bangladesh and Thailand would be participating.

Toy said there would be six different round table planetary sessions at the two-day (22-23 September 2017) summit.

The summit would see participation of local entrepreneurs and experts on various subjects, corporations and companies from outside, Indian Army, BRO, Vodafone, ministry of external affairs, Nagaland and Manipur universities, government undertakings, banks, embassies/high commissions from abroad, multinational firms, world bank and UNESCAP and others.


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