70,000 Educated Unemployed Youth IN NAGALAND

70,000 Educated Unemployed Youth  IN NAGALAND

NAGALAND POST ——– Dr. Neiphrezo Keditsu disclosed that Nagaland as of July 2017 had about 70,000 educated unemployed youth.


Keditsu addressing at the inaugural function of the five days Skill Fest organized by Oriental College Kohima.

They said it was imperative for Nagas to shift the focus from government jobs to entrepreneurship.

Keditsu said the unemployment issue in Nagaland has become deplorable.

He also lamented that the education system in Nagaland was more of was a degree oriented course and not career oriented.

Reminding the gathering that the Naga forefathers were professional agriculturists, he reiterated that the time has come for all to shift the focus from government jobs to entrepreneurship.

For this, he said government of India was also focussed on imparting skill training/education to address the unemployment issue in the country.

However, he said the college felt that it was not sufficient until theory was applied in practice and thereby the college proposed to start empowering students through skill development and entrepreneurship training.

Meanwhile, list of trades as part of the event include– electrical fittings, knitting, food processing, dolls and ornament making, mushroom cultivation, painting and farming, baking, floriculture and handicrafts and carpentry.


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